Faith Anatomy (Part Four) Faith And Living Faith is Hearing Acting And Saying Acting

By Eternity World
3rd February, 2023

The most productive living is life in obedience to the FATHER of all. Living pleasing lives to God is faith in Him Who made the heavens and the earth. There is a pathway by which we must follow and this pathway or path is 'righteousness' by faith. Many have made and announce themselves as pathways to God or say there are different ways to God, it may not be true to think or believe so, as there is an instruction that tell us there is only One way, "And I (God) will give them one heart and one way that they may [reverently] fear Me forever for the good of themselves and of their children after them." Jeremiah 32: 39, The Amplified Bible. 
I was asked sometime ago, "why should I even believe that there is a God and live the life He wants for me?" Answering, I said even though He wants us to serve Him, He gave us choices each and every one of us. I live the life now even if at the end God does not exist, at least I have nothing to lose but my fear is, if I live according to the world's view and at the end God is God then I have everything to lose and can't risk that for anything. I went further, what is this life we want to live: is it the cars, the money, the power, the fame, the women,  the men and more? After all gotten and lived, what next? Just to become a sand to be trampled upon at the end when I go to rest? He went further, "after all the Jews don't even believe in this Jesus you talk about expecting their own Messiah?" I replied, the Jews have always been a people with stiffened necks and very stubborn from the beginning, even their own prophets they killed, those from among them. Leave the Jews alone, their time has not yet come. After all this, he said I think I will follow the steps you take so that at the end whether God or no God, I will have nothing to lose too. Softly i said to him, there is God (YAHWEH). Praise the Lord!
"For it is by Him that we have life and we move and exist; so also some of your wise men among you have said: "our lineage is from Him." Acts 17:28, Aramaic Bible in Plain English. Another translation says, "and He gives us the power to live , to move, and to be who we are (have our being). "We are His children," jus as some of your poets have said. 
Therefore our living is not anywhere else for He (Jesus) is the Way, the Truth and The life. Watch this, He is not a way, a truth and a life like some say and preach suggesting that there are many ways to God (introducing a supposed one world religion). This is dead on arrival.
 Through knowledge (scientific and others), men have become demi gods, become so drunk by temporal power and pleasures denying the God and saying the Bible is outdated and not fitting into today's living (or world). How they have been deceived because deception is Satan's only tool to subject man under him. These men in affluence and influence are doing the best they could to stop the people of God, persecuting and killing, making policies and laws to silence the Church. They can only succeed if they can stop God. They forget or don't know that all happening are confirmations of the same Bible they so disdain.
All knowledge (Physics, Chemistry, philosophy, sciences, art and more) only confirms the Bible. The Bible does not confirm these knowledge but until Christ's return science will keep confirming God and the Bible.
No human discovery In any field of interest, be it philosophy or religion is new, they have been before and we only brand and rebrand. "And the thing that has been, it is what will be again, and that which has been done is that which will be done again; and there is nothing new under the sun. Is there a thing of which it may be said, see, this is new? It has already been, in the vast ages of time [recorded or unrecorded] which were before us." Ecclesiastes 1: 9-10, The Amplified Bible.
Glory! Whatever knowledge there is now has been from creation, we only search them out, no one originates anything. Even Satan does not have words or knowledge of his own, he uses the available knowledge of the Truth and corrupts it therefore, the many errors and falsehood. In Proverbs 25: 2, "It is the glory of God to conceal (hide, keep, secret) anything, but the glory of kings is to search out (to examine, to find out) a thing." Also, Deuteronomy 29:29, " the secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but the things which are revealed belong to us and our children forever, that we may do all of the words of this law." And Romans 11:33, "Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unfathomable (inscrutable, unsearchable) are His judgments (His decisions)! And how untraceable  (mysterious, undiscoverable) are His ways (His methods, His paths)! The Amplified Bible.
As stated earlier, " for in Him we live and move and have our being..." These three, LIVE, MOVE and BEING (EXIST_WE ARE). We believe in Jesus to be saved by faith and in faith we are to live, move and have our being meaning everything about us should be a function of faith. You must agree with me that everything we do whether we know it or not is by faith, we walk by faith, eat, drink, sleep, wake, write, breathe, dream, swim, talk, use our hands to do work, drive, above all we love by faith, take flight by faith. So faith should become to us a lifestyle that we don't have to struggle for anything good.
Some of us only have God to look up to for everything so we have to put our faith to work else we would have been scapegoats in the hands of the adversary.
Faith is work in the spirit, it means obedience to God and His commands bring us to extra ordinary earth walk naturally. 
My prayer for us all is that we come to a point and place where we will not struggle to have all the resources left for us to live by.
Faith prompts asking and when you ask, leave it there and go about your daily dealings and sure it will come to pass. God doesn't respond to us because of us but because of His Word. God does not confirm us in our situations but He is confirming His Word. So, it is not you doing it but Christ Jesus. Amen
Faith is consistence, it does not believe once, it keeps believing until something happens. Until it happens, we glory in the Lord with thanksgiving. Faith is  hearing acting and saying acting. There is no one with the faith of God that does not act because faith is hearing and saying in action (corresponding action). You don't believe and fold your arms doing nothing. You see, salvation won't have reached us if they that first believed remained in the room after that the Holy Spirit came upon and in them as is in record (Romans 10:13-15). Wherever faith is there is action.
In business, whether be it a shop, a mall, an open market, a company, a factory when you go out, go as one in charge and command the day and set its course right. Say and act your targets, today, I will return in plenty in the name of Jesus! And as you do you are committing God to act according as His Word says.
At home when situations arise, confront them speaking and demonstrating what you say. On the field, you are living faith as you go. 
In politics, we bring in leaders by our working faith. We bring the economy to stability by being in the economy and not running away from it. Faith is doing as you believe. We walk towards the promises and not wait for the promises to come. Prophecies are not just fulfilled because they came but men of understanding work prophecies out. Destinies are not realized in folding of hands, it is taking decisive and realizable steps towards them.
A man who must build a house must first sit to count the cost before running. One doesn't build a house only talking, it is saying acting, as you conceive and say, believing you act. It is simultaneous. Praise the LORD!
I am reminded of my first walk of faith in High school (Secondary School, sss one precisely), whenever examinations will begin,  in the hall before papers would be shared, I would be very fine but immediately papers were handed to me a strange catarrh strikes (I mean, it gushes out like water), when I submit it was gone. This started in primary school which some call elementary school (this is the first time I am talking about this). In this class I knew something was not right, it was my first paper in sss one, it started and I said to myself, what is this thing that will not let me be?  I decided that day that it was over and that was the end of it until now. And I was happy that I was fine by my faith. My life has been a miracle one , I accord this to my parents who paid their dues to God before they went to be with Him. Still in high school, my friends and I do pray in the morning before the assembly began and we did extra ordinary things and are still doing it in all disciplines. In an examination written in Command schools  called Inter-command examinations before we started my friends and I went to a mountain we used to pray  and anointed our pens in faith. Sometimes after the exams,  one of us who is a Personnel in the Army now, Captain. P. Augustine told us of how that it was as though someone held his pen writing for him and it was a blast. If he is reading this now, he can attest to this. A living faith. We didnt just believe and saying it but acted our faith.
Again I remember a day I was fasting and went to pray with Kenneth Norman (a Personnel too) in Sunday School department in All Saints Military Church (Rukuba), while in prayers a boy who sold groundnut opened the door to us. The room we were praying was nowhere near the road but this young boy (about 9 or 10 of age) found himself in the class. The Holy Spirit in His wisdom allow the boy to bring down what he was carrying and immediately he was under the anointing confessing he was a witch and was delivered there because of some young men's faith. Note: it was the Presence of God that filled up the room we were because we were only seated while the boy manifested. If my friend is reading this now, he can also confirm this. These were the days of my beginning. Today God has used me to do His will and still doing it. This is the lifestyle of faith. It does not select appointed time to act but if one is staying obedient to the Lord, in walking the sick shall be healed, all manner of sicknesses and diseases shall be healed as you go. Demons shall tremble as you walk pass them. We shall call forth things that be not as though they were. Praise the Lord!
Faith is exercised and lived in its little state, living faith is for everyone who believes. He answered, “Because of your little faith [your lack of trust and confidence in the power of God]; for I assure you and most solemnly say to you, if you have [living] faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and [if it is God’s will] it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:19, Amplified Bible.
A man' s faith though small makes a way for him and shall not be put to shame. Therefore let us bring God to our daily living and we shall better this world not depending on the world's economy but live, move and have our being in God's Economy that sent us here. Thank You FATHER!
In all things, thank the LORD 
This lifestyle is only lived by those that know their God because they are the only ones that shall do exploits. If you are not yet in Jesus these things will just be a head thing to you. So I plead by the mercy of God that you come to Him and find rest, yes and rest for your souls. Pray with me below.

                             Prayer Of Salvation
God is a God of order, He does things with knowledge because He is a God of knowledge and He is knowledge. God knows where you are and what you are going through, the struggles, that sickness, that disease and the others. He knows them all and awaits your return to Him and He is ever ready and willing to accept you just as you are. Father in the Name of Jesus Your Son whom You sent to die and save me, I ask for mercy and pray You forgive and wash my sins away. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Thank You for forgiving me. Amen!
Congratulations you are Heaven's best for this decision today. Please, I urge you to find the closest Bible believing assembly and join them, study God's Word and pray always.

Father in the Name of Jesus! Thank You for the light of Your Word. Thank You for empowering me with the spirit of faith to believe, say and act all things You have ordained before the foundation of the Earth. Thank You for the privilege to partake of Your Divinity here on Earth. I know today by faith to stay until what I pray, ask, decree and demand becomes tangible. I am forever grateful. Today and forever I will worship You in spirit and in truth, for Your Word is Truth. I stand as a territorial commander henceforth, establishing Your order and dominion as it was from the beginning. Thank You for the grace to stay and continue in and with You. Thank You for this new lifestyle of faith I have received. Amen!
Thank You Father, thank You Jesus, thank You Holy Spirit of the Living God.
Please, we encourage you to read our epochworld notes and anticipate the next epoch realities series on MercyArchive.
Thank you all and God bless you richly! Amen

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