When The Healing Need Healing

By Eternity World
7th February, 2023

Why is this world in agony daily, emptiness is the state of the worldly, wickedness a delight to the doer, sickness and disease living in the bodies of men and women, wars, the list goes on? the world of the ungodly lie waste all day long? there is a world problem_ 'spiritual emptiness'
The problem of and in this world was never the fault of Him who made it. There is a seeming increase of patients in hospitals, all with the different concerns. Many lying in their houses filled with pains, depressions of all kinds and are in oppression and are helpless. There is barrenness in the land and world. There are sicknesses and diseases every where all brought in by evil spirits to rob men and women of their peace and health. These sicknesses: spiritual, mental, emotional, psychological and physical keep people in the low state of lack in all things.
Some blame it on God for creating earth. Others wouldn't even acknowledge that He is. The futility of the minds of men has led to the many world crises. When you are not well in body, you are left out in reality. Many seek solutions to their predicaments, instead of solutions, they ended up in more troubles. 
Many question God and His existence to allow all happening.
Why blame it on God when before the construction and structures of the universe were, solution was and later sent His own as a sheep led for the slaughter and was hung up on the tree (cross) for our very shame, for the chasetisement of our very peace, He was wounded for our very transgressions, bruised for our very iniquities and with His stripes we are healed yet we rejected and still rejecting Him.
Our bodies and souls are sick, filled with diseases because we have gone astray and these evil spirits took a hold of our well-being and afflicted us with the many infirmities.
Now listen, before we were, He healed us from all works of the devil, He healed us before He called us.
He says always if only my children (people) shall call on Me and return, I will hear and deliver them from all and give them new being free from sickness and disease.
He came knocking at the door of your heart but you shut Him out. He came to you severally but you let Him away.
Our sins are the reason for the oppressions of the devil through sickness and disease.
Now, will you come to Him and be separate.
Yes, "come unto Me, all you that labour and heavy laden, and I will give you Rest". 
Yes, make Him Lord and Saviour over your life and whole being and see the transformation and you shall rest on every side. Healing is for everyone that dares to be healed of all manner of diseases and the One who sits on the Throne rains healings to your soul and your bodies, making alive any dead in your bodies all in the Name of our Dear Jesus . Praise the LORD!

You can not deal with the enemy you have not identified therefore first acknowledge you are a sinner and be saved. Repent of your sins. Ask God to forgive you and save you. Now thank God for your salvation.
You are healed in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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