The 'Dissection' of Faith (Part Two): Faith Is Not A Hit And Run Thing, It Is A Staying Thing.

By Eternity World
30th January, 2023

The world gets more dangerous by the day. There is darkness and gross darkness covers the the worldly. A world of catastrophe, a sin seeking people, a lukewarmed people. A world of gross perversion. A world of evil made to look good. A sensual people's world. A world of increasing sprirtuality for evil. A blasphemous world. A world of struggles for survival (they say you either survive or die). The people are consumed by hate, discrimination is a new normal in this world. People killing, and dying, there is starvation. Doors are shut and wars come up, there is now a game of thrones among nations. Governments are faked given to deceit and are deceptive, they (government) take the diamonds and are in the soles of their shoes denying help to the helpless. Nations, no one offers help anymore rather, when involved they do business. Nations showcasing their military powers with deadly nuclear weapons and Chemical gas. Nations have left weightier matters of the people to irrelevant and evil as consensus and are now pencils in the hand of the devil, making anti-Jesus laws. We are in a world that appreciates evil news, celebrates evil, make the sinful heros and heroines, what a blinded people who reject the ordinances of the FATHER, not retaining in them the knowledge of God, therefore He(God) gave them up to depraved or debased minds to do the unlawful even naturally, morally unlawful and those who do such things will burn in the lake of fire. A world of civilized oppression of the poor, a man-made divide and rules systems. They say democracy but really there is no democracy anywhere as the Kings and rulers are now  capitalists who have class as an agenda.
And we are (the righteous ones) in this same world watching and even dining on the same table with the wines mixed with atrocities. Are there still those who will raise up the Jesus' banner? Yes, good is once again taking its place in the world but we must do this by force. What do we do in this world and why are we still here? Why won't Jesus take us to the FATHER's home once we get born again? It is because, we are left with a task and to live the efficacy of the finished works of Christ here, reconciling the world to the Father,  and He prayed for us to stay on earth but that the FATHER keep us away from the evil one, for this very purpose; exuding His glory and keeping Satan forever defeated. And also, the Aramaic Bible in Plain English of Ephesians6:16 tell us,
"And with these, take to you the shield of faith, that with it you may have the power to quench all of the blazing bolts of The Evil One." What are the blazing bolts (darts, arrows, spears ) but in little, some of us were born to families which grandparents and parents may have raised evil altars, curses incurred from past generations, familiar spirits, family spirits causing many heads to be hid. Jesus left us here to do justice and liberate this world from the work of the wicked. HalleluYah, we are in charge.
It means we are here His elected combatants ever ready for the battle to winning and bringing the lost back to the Father.
In this dark world, yes there is a Goshen and her light goes forth to the very end of the earth. Praise the LORD!
The LORD has sent and is sending servants to show the way to the ignorant. The compassionate Father made provisions for us to live in this rugged world of increasing spirituality, men seeking powers without the Creator for them to have control and perpetrate evil.
In all this, what is the Father's provision to stay here in command and dominion: faith, hope and love and the greatest is love. 
Anyone who must live here in glory and in Goshen being shielded away from the calamities that befalls the ungodly must do so by his and her faith.
"Look at the proud; his soul is not straight or right within him, but the (rigid) just and the (uncompromisingly) righteous man shall live by his faith and in his faithfulness."
What do we say about our father Abraham, that he lived by his faith and in his faithfulness (to the ONE who called him out and made an assured promise). Faith in God the Father brings one to be the righteousness of God, only in Christ. The Christ? But there was Abraham before Jesus? Yes, Jesus whom Abraham saw and believed in and was reckoned to him as righteousness by his faith (that will be dealt with in Part Three of this course).
From Faith Anatomy (ER 5, Part one), we have an understanding that "faith is the structure or internal workings (in and of a believer) to unfolding spiritual realities in effect_ producing physical manifestations." We also understand that faith is dynamic (living and active) that began creation and is still creating God's purposes on earth.
Faith anatomy is same as faith dissection and dissection means the 'breaking down'.
Faith in the Hebrew is 'Firmness', a tree only stands, produces and blossoms because it has a root firmly held underground from which it gets its nutrients. Trees have firm foundations. It is only from the root that a tree blossoms all round. When you cut a tree off from its stem or branches, it only dries for a while and spring forth again because its root is still joined to the source. The only way to kill a tree is from its root. A believer is likened here to a tree, so long as he and she does not interfere with the connecting root (faith) to the Source, he and she is in command to the end of the age. This is why Satan is out for this virtue to stop it. It means here that faith is the connecting rod of a man or a woman to the Source (Creator- Owner of all even the devil and his angels). 
Therefore when the Prophet Habakkuk says "... the just shall live by his faith", he is telling  us that every man has a connecting rod (faith) to the Source. The faith of others can only assist yours to firmness but to live, it is by your constant connection to the Author Finisher of our faith- Jesus.
Abraham was called out from his fathers dwelling and by faith he left without knowing where he goeth and by faith we also believed unto salvation even the salvation of our souls. We are saved  by and through this faith. He was so convinced beyond all reasonable doubt. He had the opportunity to doubt but he was so firm in his conviction have not met with Melchizedek, I believe Melchizedek expounded the gospel to him, the reason for his firmness in God his Father. He says God is Creator and Possessor of the heaven and the earth, He is the One who says it, and He does it. It does not matter how long but I stay here until my appointed time comes.
His faith in God was beyond understanding and God quickly took me to Job the wealthy, International Standard Version, "Even though he kills me, I'll continue to hope in him. At least I'll be able to argue my case to his face!" Oh! What did they see that they were not afraid to be thrown to the lions, thrown to be burnt, Ah! This is the spirit of faith at working in them. They loved not their lives even to die? What did they know? I always ask.
 Prayer: Father in the Name of Jesus, give me the spirit of faith that I may stand in the days of evil as a prince of the LORD, MOST HIGH, that faith beyond human comprehension, the faith that sees the universe as too small to be compared to its Maker, and the earth is His footstool. The faith that stops all the works of the devil in my life and family. This I pray in Jesus. Amen!
Watch this, Abraham must have been  mocked, talked of wrongly, a subject matter for discussions. He may have had times that he felt I should give it up. The promise is taking too long to come to reality. Sarah in her good will of heart tried to help the promise come through and caused us this present world trouble. Now, have not waited for the promise, Isaac was born in the process and yet his faith was tried. Abraham's faith was a sacrificial one, he was ready to let go of his dear son by sacrificing him on the altar and he did actually as he received Isaac in a figure, because he did not waver at God's call for a sacrifice, in his heart he did sacrifice Isaac and he received a resurrected son and God must have said, "this my son Abraham is like none other therefore you are father of many nations, in blessing I will bless you. Anyone that blesses you is blessed and no one can curse you. A sworn blessing that ever lived until now because we are now in Jesus grafted into the sworn blessing and we are now partakers of the commonwealth of Israel, all this by faith.
The LORD has given us solution to all our human troubles, even our faith. Living the good life, free from diseases and sickness of all kinds, free from evil altars raised against us, curses, lack is by my faith and your faith in love. The faith in Jesus is the only faith the Satan does not understand. When we have this faith it keeps the devil in speculation and doing things randomly. He can't predict us that is why he gets mad always trying to keep us away from the faith of God. We are in this world and the devil doesn't recognize it because we are sitted with Christ far above.
In this end time, all will be happening to us intentionally because we choose to live the faith of the Father for ourselves. Your parents can't have this faith for you, your pastors can't have it for you. No one can but you.
Therefore wake up if you are still sleeping so that you don't get caught up unawares.
The beautiful thing is, this faith is not reserved for a few, ah! it is for all who believes and believing. Take up your faith in the WORD OF GOD daily, meditating therein day and night  praying in the Holy Ghost.
Praise the LORD! Thank You Father, Thank You Jesus and Thank You Holy Spirit of the Living God.
The reality of the faith of the Father can only be with those who fear Him. It is not for the unbelieving therefore God is offering us a living opportunity to come to Him now and be exempted. Say the prayer below and live your newness of life in Christ Jesus.
                          PRAYER OF SALVATION
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I know I am a sinner, I identify my weaknesses and sins today, I cannot of my own be saved, I need You to save me. I confess this day Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, by your grace I am saved today. Now, Lord, give me the grace to remain faithful to this cause I have chosen today in Jesus mighty name I ask and believe, Amen.
Congratulations, welcome to the family of God.. Jesus loves you. Please, in case you have not, I urge you by the mercy of God to find a Bible believing assembly and join them. Study God's Word and pray always.
God bless you richly!
Anticipate part three of this course!

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