By the records (from the beginning) of creation, a very long time ago, the universe was made full. It was created and formed or made perfect and to be inhabited. "For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; He hath established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else." Isaiah 45:18. And the earth got void and laid waste, was formless, shapelessness became an order in the universe, got so disarrayed, full of and with chaos (darkness) and this darkness covered the face of the deep (depth). The intended creation by God the Father was and is to be inhabited and worked therefore whatever that happened to the universe created and made to become disorganized needed to get corrected and stay conformed to the plans and patterns for which it was first intended to be and the Cause which is the first Invasion came to universe. This was the invasion of and by the Holy Spirit of the Living God who hovered/brooded upon the face of the deep and still hovering our universe and all that is in it until now to keep reconstructing, reorganizing, rebuilding, recreating, remaking, and reestablishing earth out of chaos. "... And the Spirit of God hovered over the waters..." And He the Spirit causes a reforming, bringing the good out of the darkness, giving universe all energy to keep all conditions working favourably for His glory.
What is Invasion? Invasion from an online dictionary is an act of entering (a place, situation or sphere of activity) to occupy it or bringing it to subjugation.
invasion is usually from the greater to the lesser either taking the lesser captive or giving them freedom from the captors.
Now the universe was in darkness and the greater than the universe came to it (entering) brining it to conform to its original pattern. Hear this, after the Holy Spirit had set the course right, He, the Father (GodHead) spoke to being all there was, is and should be. See, the universe is back to beauty and splendor and evil was yet in the world because the Satan rebelled in God's Home and was disengaged together with his rebels and thrown to earth, they were in earth, are in earth and are still here in earth. The FATHER in His all knowing goodness provided us with such a great protection and invasion of massive Angels from His Throne Room to stay here with us always working to keep us from the evil ones and their evils.
Man fell because this evil came as deceit and struggles became an order, man was stripped off of his authority and all he is in God. In the garden where man was like God became a slave to a fallen angel and been ruled and filled with wickedness. "And the LORD GOD said to the serpent, because you have done this,... Gen 3:14, And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her Offspring (Seed). He will bruise your head underfoot and you will lie in wait and bruise His heel." Because of this, Satan started his journey of bruising the heel of the Seed that will bruise his head underfoot therefore the many evils and calamities that filled the world. Satan was on a look out having his agents all over to collect information of a seeming Seed and assumes the lineage of kings through which the ONE to bruise him should come, for this reason he corrupted Cain who murdered his brother Abel because Abel looked like the Seed. In a moment I believe the enemy of God was happy with feasting, I have killed the One and shortly after, another came, and another came until He the One came. The evil one was too dull to the mystery which is God's delight.
The world had many times been invaded and judgment passed swiftly but God does not take delight in seeing men die in their sins and wickedness so He called out to His own, it is time to go and be Mercy. Praise the LORD!
Before Mercy will come in the flesh He was the presence that dwelt with His people in the Ark of Covenant. The Ark of Covenant with its mercyseat brought God's presence to stay with men (His covenant people) in the tabernacle until He came in the likeness of and as a man.
After many generations of Satan been in wait never giving up his quest to stop God , Jesus invaded earth as a man and all changed (note: before Jesus came to earth, Satan's mission was to stop Him from coming but after Jesus resurrected Satan is after the offsprings/seeds which is the Body of Christ_ the Church).
Satan by all means kept track records from prophecies and used Herod to murder children from the age of two below believing that the One born King to bruise his head would be killed. This One walked the earth doing good anywhere He goes, Satan knew his time was up to have man under his slavery kept following Christ to bring Him to nothingness. In all this, Jesus in the flesh taught the way of Mercy and was merciful to.all undeserving. And in everything, He puts Satan under His feet and the evil one only bruised (wounded) His heel by bringing Christ to be crucified and on the cross where Satan thought he had victory came mercy and grace in full force. HalleluYah!
Jesus gave Himself to die the death of the cross (a shameful death) and the hosts of evil where in celebration and their leader must have said, finally I have put to rest the One to finish me, what else can God do? Little did he know the mystery that the cross was designed to bring in victory have not crushed the head of the devil and left him defeated forever. In the course of Satan's celebration, suddenly, there was a shout of victory in Heaven and in the Holiest of all that Jesus is in the holiest tabernacle offering sacrifice which is Himself presented to the Father in the Throne Room as the ultimate sacrifice and have retrieved all lost in Eden garden and the grave where He was laid popped opened and Jesus rested His foot on the head of Satan saying, "the charge and guilt you brought upon the earth has been cleared so from now onwards, keep off, all that was man's is returned to him again." HalleluYah!
What is Mercy? From the Hebrew Mercy is Active Compassion and from an online dictionary Compassion is sympathy and concern for the suffering or misfortunes of others and Mercy from a dictionary means compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm
Mercy is one of those few words that does not have a specific meaning but their meaning only can be explained in action that is why mercy is an active compassion, whosoever mercy has been shown will explain or define mercy by what Mercy did for him or her.
Now from this, mercy frees rather than punish even though punishment is legal as a reward for defaulters.
Imagine a man deserving of death because all count charges he pleaded guilty to all. He committed all the crimes and was condemned to die by hanging as of old. Just about the eleventh hour for his execution when all needed for his execution had been put in place only waiting for a command to engage and the process was about to begin and suddenly a shout to stop rushed in saying this man has been granted pardon a few minutes ago. Really he was deserving of death for all his crimes because he was guilty but there was a pardon and mercy cried out let him go, I am come in his stead. What a joy that is and freedom is here.
The man condemned to death was and is our states, deserving of the wrath of God and judgment due us because we are guilty. In all of this, He says I did not come to the world to condemn it but that through Me the world should be saved. Ah! Our end days schedules were to be thrown to the.lake of fire yet the Highest put a stop to our execution and says I am here, the LAMB slain from the from the beginning_ the foundation of the world, take Me instead and let them go for I have prevailed over God's enemy forever and these ones are declared not guilty anymore. Praise ye the LORD!
This is the cry of Mercy daily. On the cross Mercy speaks and still speaking until the end of this age shall come. What a substitute!
See what Mercy has done
We are not deserving yet Mercy kept us
Where doors were shut against us, Mercy moves the door in our failed directions
When we are really slaves by default Mercy enthroned us
All happening to us is not because of our righteousness, faithfulness, commitments to God and the things of God only but Mercy works, acts and shows up on our behalf.
In condemnation Mercy says no
Mercy is active compassion meaning Mercy runs always even in our worst states. Like a music playing in the background of our computers and smartphones while we work on other applications and apps so Mercy runs in the background of our daily living not bringing any charge against us even when we sin in the course of our activities.
Mercy pleads for pardon always, Mercy is ever active, Mercy never go on break, always working securing us to eternity.
The reason you are evil and yet alive is because of Mercy who waits for your repentance because the.Father.does not delight in seeing men their.sins. therefore come to God now just as you are. Say the prayer below:
Prayer Of Salvation
Father in the Name of Jesus, I count it all joy to be here according to your calendar that I may worship You. Thank You for the message of Mercy brought to me in this Light. Now I know by strength shall no man prevail, all is by Your Mercy shown me daily. I realize the price You paid on the cross for me today and I come with humility of spirit and sincerely saying I have sinned in the days past, I ask for Your forgiveness today Father.
If you said this prayer then congratulations, you are now Born Again (born from above of the Holy Spirit).
we advice that you locate a Bible believing Church and join them as one growth recipe. Study the Bible and pray always.
Please, we encourage you to read our epochworld notes and antcipate the next epoch realites series on MercyArchive
Thank you and anticipate Part two of this course.
God bless you richly!
Our Events
Diplomats Day (DD) Atmosphere Doxa/xo(AD) Healing Festval (HC)
Prayer Festval (PC) Avenida Amigos (AA)
The Rescue Mission (RM)
Invaders Diplomacy Earth Conference (IDEC)
For inquiries, email us at
Eternity World Media Ministry (EWMM)
By the records (from the beginning) of creation, a very long time ago, the universe was made full. It was created and formed or made perfect and to be inhabited. "For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; He hath established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else." Isaiah 45:18. And the earth got void and laid waste, was formless, shapelessness became an order in the universe, got so disarrayed, full of and with chaos (darkness) and this darkness covered the face of the deep (depth). The intended creation by God the Father was and is to be inhabited and worked therefore whatever that happened to the universe created and made to become disorganized needed to get corrected and stay conformed to the plans and patterns for which it was first intended to be and the Cause which is the first Invasion came to universe. This was the invasion of and by the Holy Spirit of the Living God who hovered/brooded upon the face of the deep and still hovering our universe and all that is in it until now to keep reconstructing, reorganizing, rebuilding, recreating, remaking, and reestablishing earth out of chaos. "... And the Spirit of God hovered over the waters..." And He the Spirit causes a reforming, bringing the good out of the darkness, giving universe all energy to keep all conditions working favourably for His glory.
What is Invasion? Invasion from an online dictionary is an act of entering (a place, situation or sphere of activity) to occupy it or bringing it to subjugation.
invasion is usually from the greater to the lesser either taking the lesser captive or giving them freedom from the captors.
Now the universe was in darkness and the greater than the universe came to it (entering) brining it to conform to its original pattern. Hear this, after the Holy Spirit had set the course right, He, the Father (GodHead) spoke to being all there was, is and should be. See, the universe is back to beauty and splendor and evil was yet in the world because the Satan rebelled in God's Home and was disengaged together with his rebels and thrown to earth, they were in earth, are in earth and are still here in earth. The FATHER in His all knowing goodness provided us with such a great protection and invasion of massive Angels from His Throne Room to stay here with us always working to keep us from the evil ones and their evils.
Man fell because this evil came as deceit and struggles became an order, man was stripped off of his authority and all he is in God. In the garden where man was like God became a slave to a fallen angel and been ruled and filled with wickedness. "And the LORD GOD said to the serpent, because you have done this,... Gen 3:14, And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her Offspring (Seed). He will bruise your head underfoot and you will lie in wait and bruise His heel." Because of this, Satan started his journey of bruising the heel of the Seed that will bruise his head underfoot therefore the many evils and calamities that filled the world. Satan was on a look out having his agents all over to collect information of a seeming Seed and assumes the lineage of kings through which the ONE to bruise him should come, for this reason he corrupted Cain who murdered his brother Abel because Abel looked like the Seed. In a moment I believe the enemy of God was happy with feasting, I have killed the One and shortly after, another came, and another came until He the One came. The evil one was too dull to the mystery which is God's delight.
The world had many times been invaded and judgment passed swiftly but God does not take delight in seeing men die in their sins and wickedness so He called out to His own, it is time to go and be Mercy. Praise the LORD!
Before Mercy will come in the flesh He was the presence that dwelt with His people in the Ark of Covenant. The Ark of Covenant with its mercyseat brought God's presence to stay with men (His covenant people) in the tabernacle until He came in the likeness of and as a man.
After many generations of Satan been in wait never giving up his quest to stop God , Jesus invaded earth as a man and all changed (note: before Jesus came to earth, Satan's mission was to stop Him from coming but after Jesus resurrected Satan is after the offsprings/seeds which is the Body of Christ_ the Church).
Satan by all means kept track records from prophecies and used Herod to murder children from the age of two below believing that the One born King to bruise his head would be killed. This One walked the earth doing good anywhere He goes, Satan knew his time was up to have man under his slavery kept following Christ to bring Him to nothingness. In all this, Jesus in the flesh taught the way of Mercy and was merciful to.all undeserving. And in everything, He puts Satan under His feet and the evil one only bruised (wounded) His heel by bringing Christ to be crucified and on the cross where Satan thought he had victory came mercy and grace in full force. HalleluYah!
Jesus gave Himself to die the death of the cross (a shameful death) and the hosts of evil where in celebration and their leader must have said, finally I have put to rest the One to finish me, what else can God do? Little did he know the mystery that the cross was designed to bring in victory have not crushed the head of the devil and left him defeated forever. In the course of Satan's celebration, suddenly, there was a shout of victory in Heaven and in the Holiest of all that Jesus is in the holiest tabernacle offering sacrifice which is Himself presented to the Father in the Throne Room as the ultimate sacrifice and have retrieved all lost in Eden garden and the grave where He was laid popped opened and Jesus rested His foot on the head of Satan saying, "the charge and guilt you brought upon the earth has been cleared so from now onwards, keep off, all that was man's is returned to him again." HalleluYah!
What is Mercy? From the Hebrew Mercy is Active Compassion and from an online dictionary Compassion is sympathy and concern for the suffering or misfortunes of others and Mercy from a dictionary means compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm
Mercy is one of those few words that does not have a specific meaning but their meaning only can be explained in action that is why mercy is an active compassion, whosoever mercy has been shown will explain or define mercy by what Mercy did for him or her.
Now from this, mercy frees rather than punish even though punishment is legal as a reward for defaulters.
Imagine a man deserving of death because all count charges he pleaded guilty to all. He committed all the crimes and was condemned to die by hanging as of old. Just about the eleventh hour for his execution when all needed for his execution had been put in place only waiting for a command to engage and the process was about to begin and suddenly a shout to stop rushed in saying this man has been granted pardon a few minutes ago. Really he was deserving of death for all his crimes because he was guilty but there was a pardon and mercy cried out let him go, I am come in his stead. What a joy that is and freedom is here.
The man condemned to death was and is our states, deserving of the wrath of God and judgment due us because we are guilty. In all of this, He says I did not come to the world to condemn it but that through Me the world should be saved. Ah! Our end days schedules were to be thrown to the.lake of fire yet the Highest put a stop to our execution and says I am here, the LAMB slain from the from the beginning_ the foundation of the world, take Me instead and let them go for I have prevailed over God's enemy forever and these ones are declared not guilty anymore. Praise ye the LORD!
This is the cry of Mercy daily. On the cross Mercy speaks and still speaking until the end of this age shall come. What a substitute!
See what Mercy has done
We are not deserving yet Mercy kept us
Where doors were shut against us, Mercy moves the door in our failed directions
When we are really slaves by default Mercy enthroned us
All happening to us is not because of our righteousness, faithfulness, commitments to God and the things of God only but Mercy works, acts and shows up on our behalf.
In condemnation Mercy says no
Mercy is active compassion meaning Mercy runs always even in our worst states. Like a music playing in the background of our computers and smartphones while we work on other applications and apps so Mercy runs in the background of our daily living not bringing any charge against us even when we sin in the course of our activities.
Mercy pleads for pardon always, Mercy is ever active, Mercy never go on break, always working securing us to eternity.
The reason you are evil and yet alive is because of Mercy who waits for your repentance because the.Father.does not delight in seeing men their.sins. therefore come to God now just as you are. Say the prayer below:
Prayer Of Salvation
Father in the Name of Jesus, I count it all joy to be here according to your calendar that I may worship You. Thank You for the message of Mercy brought to me in this Light. Now I know by strength shall no man prevail, all is by Your Mercy shown me daily. I realize the price You paid on the cross for me today and I come with humility of spirit and sincerely saying I have sinned in the days past, I ask for Your forgiveness today Father.
If you said this prayer then congratulations, you are now Born Again (born from above of the Holy Spirit).
we advice that you locate a Bible believing Church and join them as one growth recipe. Study the Bible and pray always.
Please, we encourage you to read our epochworld notes and antcipate the next epoch realites series on MercyArchive
Thank you and anticipate Part two of this course.
God bless you richly!
Our Events
Diplomats Day (DD) Atmosphere Doxa/xo(AD) Healing Festval (HC)
Prayer Festval (PC) Avenida Amigos (AA)
The Rescue Mission (RM)
Invaders Diplomacy Earth Conference (IDEC)
For inquiries, email us at
Eternity World Media Ministry (EWMM)