'The Teenage War'

By Eternity World
6th March, 2023

Truth is not a product of civilization. Therefore what comes with the age is always inferior to Truth and should be made right. History has it that, with increase in civilization comes decline in morals. And this is true in our world as the so called civilization to them increases and many becoming of depraved minds.
In time past, battles for supremacy were fought physically and the winner takes the others left as slaves until there comes a redeeming. These battles for supremacy is still in force as nations are daily improving on their military strength technologically and in weaponry. These battles involving physical capturing of territories comes majorly with force. 
But the greatest of these wars is of the mind and it is the most accomplished kind of battle in this era. Many can easily repudiate physical wars as all are being conscious of the times but the most of all is that of the mind 
When I want to take charge, I come in peace subtly with strategies to get to your mind first by introducing my philosophies. The most important part of it is that, however the presentation of my philosophies it is left for the listener to receive it or not, that is the power given us 'to choose'. So if righteousness prevails, we chose righteousness over evil and if evil is, we permit it all to be. 
The world have its own civilization and it is (civilization) the modern slavery denying Truth, morals and leads to decadence of virtue.
This world has been on an attack since Satan and his mates were throne to us working earnessly on his deceptive skills, finding new ways to make man deny God and accept him. He is really good at it as it has been his utmost career even when he was still with the FATHER. He is so good at it to grab to himself those number of angels (fallen_) to himself. By human strategy we can not overpower that guy but thank the LORD for His provision of all power that keeps Satan and evil forever defeated.
We need to know this, Satan's greatest weapon is in twisting Truth. When Truth is twisted it rises to opposite results. Watch this, in chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen, when these two reacts they produce or form water. What happens when the same hydrogen reacts with sulphur (replace oxygen with sulphur), hydrogen sulphide is formed. What is the implication? Water is a universal solvent and has no enemies and so safe for human consumption, has life in it because without it for many days one could give up the ghost. Our bodies composes of water, we need it to live.. Now what is the implication of replacing oxygen with sulphur, a pungent gas known for its rotten egg odor which is colorless like water is formed,  Highly flammable and toxic (poisonous).
"Hydrogen sulphide is a highly toxic gas that can produce extremely rapid CNS and respiratory depression. It is also an irritant affecting skin and mucous membranes. There is no proven antidote for hydrogen sulphide poisoning." This is remarkable. Freshly Tapped palm wine is sweet (even though I have never tasted it, so I was told), when exposed to the air it becomes fermented (leavened) and leads its user to mediocrity and shameful acts but at its initial state it is safe to drink. What does this tell us that when Words (Truth) is tampered with falsehood and evil erupts and men are corrupted.
The enemy using his agents (demons and wicked people) have strategies and targets the young (children and teenagers) before they even become wise, they must have been corrupted by false knowledge hence the chaos today. They go to the children and grab them young.
They are most vulnerable as they fight wars daily in their lives and many a time we call out parents for neglecting their duties to their growing children. Since they are not schooled at home, the society schools them on parents behalf and a corrupt child is build up. Some parents say they have to work to put food on the table and forget that there first should be food inside of those children that will keep them filled always in the world of hunger filled with evil.
The battles are ongoing at homes, institutions, field, play grounds, resort centers, cinemas, technology (the internet, social media and more). When we neglect our responsibilities to train up children in the way they should go, these mentioned will. This day, these teenagers have many distractions, many become very toxic, indulge in many animal behaviors because they have no guides but the world tells them it is good. 
There is an increasing teenage pregnancies and abortions, drug consumers of all kinds, lesbians and gays, transgender, cultic, drunks and smokers, some as though have sold their souls out to evil, having evil behavioral patterns, believing deadly world philosophy on relationships, are bullies and been bullied, sex is not sacred anymore with them, they discuss this things as a normal as though they drink water, the rate of immorality amongst teenagers is alarming and we have left them without Truth and the devourer is daily devouring them. Their conscience have been robbed off of good. They believe lies easily and engage in the dirty easily.
We have failed as parents and these boys and girls are ignorantly are heading nowhere and eventually go to hell if Truth is not resounded to them.
We need to get back to the ancient land marks and bring up a child in the way he/she should go.
David called to his son Solomon saying to him, preparing and giving him the way of and to  life ..." I go the way of all the earth. Be strong and show yourself a man: interestingly, keep the charge of the LORD your God, walk in His ways, keep His statutes, His commandments, His precepts, and His testimonies as it is written in the law of Moses, that you may do wisely and prosper in all you do and wherever you turn." IKings2:2-3. Where are our parents? Enough of the ongoing nonsense of it is their age and this age children, this is a lie from the pit of hell.
Again "my son, if you will receive my words and treasure up my commandments within you." Proverbs2:1, "when I (Solomon) was a son with my father(David), tender and the only son in the sight of my mother, He taught me and said to me, let your heart hold fast my words; keep my commandments and live." Proverbs4:4.
Parents and guardians, please, do not be conformed to the patterns of this world in raising these children. Teach them all as it was in the beginning noting the words of Jesus through His servant C.H Spurgeon, "We shall not adjust our Bible to the age, but before we have done with it by God's grace, we shall adjust the age to the Bible." Praise the LORD!
All successful sons and daughters heard the saying of fathers and mothers, be it biological or spiritual. Enough of the children's words of we don't need the fathers, they are old and their time is past. Shut up and learn. That knowledge is evil to disregard fathers for whatever reason may be educational achievements, heights attained? Please, get back to your fathers and receive instructions and parents give them Godly instructions for this is right. 
"Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents], Even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs22:6 (Amplified Bible).
Contemporary English Version "Teach your children right from wrong, and when they are grown they will still do right."
When you have trained a child in the way and he or she goes out of the way, you have clear yourself the guilt that should come upon you and then pray them back home and by the power of the Living Spirit of God, they shall return.
All lost sons and daughters to the world by philosophies to become the worst of themselves Jesus brings you home in His Holy and only Name.
The Bible does not fit to the world's kind of civilization but all civilizations are from the Creator but Satan corrupts God's civilization to man (we are now in His civilization of glory), correcting and rebuking all thing that raises itself above the Word of God. HalleluYAH!


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