In this Kingdom walk on earth, we live our lives daily with hope and faith in God the FATHER for a better tomorrow. Someone once told me that "hope hurts" - hope is one's expectations of realities and when these realities delays or fails to come or seem not near to us or don't appear at the time hoped for (anyone can give it up and some others will stay until it comes or doesn't show up), and these ones that gave it up are in misery, not knowing what to do, are helpless. When they are asked about the journey of life to them, they simply say 'At least I tried and things seem not working and I gave up and this is me now.
In this journey in which we are Pilgrims
we walk in paths with mysteries that keeps unveiling daily.
We walk in the rough paths yet doing our best not to be wallowed in it.
We work many days, months, years and these years keep coming and going and all seem not getting better. We have tried all our minds could take up and yet we are here.
When we lay down to ponder , our judgements sometimes could lead us away from the Source by which we are supposed to be leaning on.
Everyone in this journey really needs an anchor where they draw their strength from and in doing this, many have had and are having the different supports:
Some lean on their husbands and get disappointed when he acts human below their expectations, they simply get discouraged. Others on their wives and doesn't seem fine in the process.
Some lean on their possessions and technology and get empty at some point and seek fulfillment.
Also, some on their intellect and a time comes when they have no solutions to world problems from all reasoning. Others on their jobs
Some on money, others science and art and at the end of all, spaces are still left not filled.
We often times tried to get up the ladder of success with our own strength and worldly wisdom, at the start they may seem working but a time comes we are back to the zeros.
There comes a time in everyone's life when it could be heard or thought of that I tried.
The question is, where is your support or what is your support that holds your all?
Many as a result of the 'I tried so hard and it didn't get me anywhere near success, join negative companies and associations, some become terrorists of all kinds. Many are hard hearted towards family and friends because they felt they couldn't take it any more. I have the degree and it isn't fair that the non degree persons are in charge of the high places so that thought. I am better for the job and still, it was given to the unqualified, is it fair?
It is true , all of it, about this human life and their is a groaning to those who believe in/on the cross and the unbelieving.
And they say there is a Creator and a God who is so loving but see the children are on the streets, the faithful dies of cancer, mischiefs are upon even the so called believing ones, those who serve Him He leaves to suffer, wars all over and this Father sits there in Heaven doing nothing? they asked.
All these are troubling and devastating to the reasoning.
I am not here telling you that it will be over soon but that you should change your operations, may be you have been looking for solutions wrongly elsewhere and have not given the chance to the One who really gives all liberally.
When you feel you are alone , He is right there with you, you didnt just know it and notice Him.
Someone is saying, I am a believer and have been serving Him all my life and it seems I am the most wretched amongs the unbelieving.
Yes, many at times God doesn't seem to make sense , but really He makes sense if we stay a little longer.
All He does to man of senses doesn't make sense but really all make sense.
In the end we shall know why our loved ones who were gallant and know God died, why we try all and didn't work.
This is the conclusion, when we tried all we could and didn't work by the senses, let us switch and stay a little longer because it will work, at the end it shall speak, though it may tarry, wait for it and while waiting get busy.
Nothing God does from the beginning that He does not finish- He is Author-Finisher . It does not work for many because they stopped where their wisdom could take them and forgot that their end is God's beginning
If only we can stop relying on our strength and let Him, only then will He work it all out for us and lead us there.
Really ancestral spirits work but if they are the ones stopping you and will not allow things work for you then transfer it to Him who is Creator of all things and it will work... All you need do is to return.
Even if it is generational curses as often said, get your regeneration from the family Above and Your DNA becomes of the FATHER and in His Name you shall cast out devils and deal with the works of the wicked. HalleluYah!
The LORD made you and knows you, wired you with His very nature and your hope is turned into a reality for you.
His anointing comes on all and this anointing works harder on our behalf...
All lost hope is being restored in the Name of Jesus. Amen
Praise the Lord!
Prayer of Salvation
Accessing Kingdom heritage in earth demands a one time becoming a citizen of the Kingdom that created all things and believing this day that Jesus was, is and is to come is essential to restoring all hope lost. Please, do not say no to Him, He loves and wants you back home therefore I invite you to make this day Jesus the Lord and Savior of your life according to Act 2:21, "... whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved." and Romans 10:9, "if thou shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him (Jesus) from the dead, you shall be saved."
Doing this means you are now Bien Again that is Born from Above of the Holy Spirit and you are dwelling in Christ now and forever.
Congratulations, you are a citizen of the Kingdom of the Father now...
Do find a Bible believing assembly and join them to enjoy the dividends of your salvation with the brethren. Let all that have breath Praise the Lord
Diplomats Day (DD). Atmosphere Doxa/xo (AD). Healing Festival (HC). Prayer Festival (PC) Avenida Amigos (AA). The Rescue Mission (RM)
Invaders Diplomacy Earth Conference (IDEC)
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