Faith Anatomy (Part one)

By Eternity World
28th January, 2023

In a certain town, there was a Farmer's association, suggesting that 90% of the people in that town were farmers. Land Users flourished for many decades and a one who became of a different belief out of the many was challenged and mocked by those who do not believe for his newly found lifestyle. It was not long after, there was an experience of drought (a long period of shortage of rainfall), the clouds wouldn't let down her waters in that town as a result many other moved out of the town to seek for a greener and rain filled towns but this one by and with his conviction decided to till the soil to sow the seed of potato. What a thing to do? This goes against the laws of nature and agriculture for growing crops. Yet, he did sow without water, on dried ground, and not in the rainy season and an unusual rain fell when he said a prayer to God the Father and God honoured this man's conviction and gave him a record breaking harvest in dry season. (From A Christian Home Movie).
It was his total reliance and dependence on the Master of the universe who is able to alter and violate all natural laws to bring to the aid of the one that deligently seek Him. In drought, this is hope against all hope to believe that the dew (not physical) from Heaven shall cause the ground to yield her fruits. In the end, the mockers gathered for an wholesome feast to praise the LORD and His works and many got saved. HALLELUYAH!
In this days of the soon coming King, there is His providence for our living. Anyone in this Kingdom of grace who does not possess and live by His order will back down in the days of troubles and in the tribulation times_ I am sent to establish saints in the tribulation.
The enemy which is satan is not concern with you being in buildings to fellowship, not afraid of your great anointing, the devil is not much concern with so many activities done in our congregations. There is only one thing the evil one is concern and afraid of. He can go to a length and breath to stop those who have or from having this virtue. Listen, satan is not concern with your eloquence, not afraid of your knowledge and well articulation of the earth's algorithms. Your wealth may threaten him but he is out for that one thing to keep us in subjection to his dirty dealings.
The strongest force there is, is love and there is hope in love and this hope is an anchor sustained by the very virtue that scares the fallen out of grace one (the devil). Everything living in this Kingdom is actualized and realized by it. You cannot love without it. Men conquered devils and territories with it, shut the mouths of lions, parted seas and more. It brings revelation to life, no success without it. It is the fuel that burns out the flame. It is the very essence of pleasing God. It is the power against the enemy and its cohorts if exercised, devils flee. The one having this is supernaturally natural in this world. Demons bow. Without it the Church does not have a footing. The prevailing Church is birthed by it in the Holy Ghost. There is no rapture without it_ the rapturable Church must have and live it always. It is our flight tickets.
Men of this world are trying to replicate the perfect day and called it Utopia with an escape technology to outer space but the one with God laughs as God does because He owns all.
A problem is, there are great teachings and preachings with sound doctrines from our pulpits but void of power and results because we have missed it for mental accent.
Enoch walked with God and was taken by it, Elijah left because he lived it, Jesus transfigured and resurrected by it in the Holy Ghost. By it we have understanding that the worlds were framed by the Word of God and still framing our hearts until now.
What is this virtue that keeps the earth and shall melt it? Even our '#faith'. It is one of the three weightier matters of the law we are to keep encouraging the Church with and the other two are 'judgement and mercy' told us by our dear Lord Jesus Christ. Until my last breath I will keep professing.
And this faith's anatomy? Anatomy is from the Greek Anatome meaning 'dissection' and dissection is detailed analysis of a text or idea. ( and analysis is detail examination of something or someone).
 Anatomy defined in a dictionary in two ways:
the branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans, animals, and other organisms, especially as revealed by dissection and separation of parts.
a study of the structure or internal workings of something.
Therefore, faith anatomy is same as faith dissection or the dissection of faith, praise the LORD!
Now faith anatomy is the structure or the internal workings (in and of a Believer) to unfolding spiritual realities in effect_ producing physical manifestations.
Faith is a living spiritual organism and mechanism working in us creating the worlds (in the likeness and Image of Him). It is a lively hope and this is by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It sees, hears, tastes, feels, smells the spirit realm and sends them to the physical organs for demonstration. Although, the sense have facts but the life within convicts the senses and facts are superimposed of by the supernatural. Faith anatomy demand that all senses come into harmony. Faith is not only a head thing but involves your all (human anatomy) to function.
How do we get faith or where does this kind of faith come from?
Faith is not abstract but the presentation of it makes it look abstract.
We have faith by and in one way, having the knowledge of the Father and of His Christ and the exercising of the  knowledge of God the Father and of Jesus His Christ. Someone is saying, just that? Yes just that and you shall increase in favour with God and with men.
Faith is not a hit and run thing, it is a staying thing despite the odds. It is the conviction of the unseen (things we cannot see) to be seen. Faith is whether it happens or not, I stay there. Faith causes and waits patiently for the reality and while waiting, faith worships, praises and glorifies the Father with the full assurance that He who says it is faithful to do exceeding abundantly more than we ever think, imagine and ask for. 
But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. Romans 8:25.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Habakkuk2:3
In this days, the LORD is looking for empty vessels that He may fill them up until they are overflowing, men to stand up against the wiles of the devil, men that will oppose the wickedness in this world.
Are you the one God is waiting for? Do not hesitate any longer, the time is running and only the just shall live by faith (his faith in God). We have taught and written down God's mind for His people but I cannot live faith for you please let nothing stop you. If you are not Born Again, say the prayers below and believe that you are a child of God from now on. Those in the faith, grace that brought you, the same grace keep you to the end of this age. Amen
Anticipate (part 2) of the faith anatomy

                    PRAYER OF SALVATION
Accessing Kingdom heritage in earth demands a one time becoming a citizen of the Kingdom that created all things and believing this day that Jesus was, is and is to come is essential to restoring all hope lost. Please, do not say no to Him, He loves and wants you back home therefore I invite you to make this day Jesus the Lord and Saviour of your life according to Act 2:21, "... whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved." and Romans 10:9, "if thou shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him (Jesus) from the dead, you shall be saved." Doing this means you are now Born Again that is Born from Above of the Holy Spirit and you are dwelling in Christ now and forever.
Congratulations, you are a citizen of the Kingdom of the Father now...
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