Faith Anatomy (Part Three) Thanksgiving: The Prevailing Faith.

By Eternity World
1st February, 2023

"We are not called to be secret agents for the LORD and His Kingdom." (EpochWorld2021, ER 3, part 2, Possession and Profession of faith). If really we are redeemed of the LORD, we will genuinely say so and must say so 
The world has and is daily becoming more spiritual for us to be hidden working secretly with God the FATHER and His CHRIST JESUS. It is too risky to play safe in this world. We need to stand our guard first, individually and secondly, collectively to take and have our place in this world. The world does not have any space but men intentionally by their faith create space and the world to live in. Having our place here demand that we know with good understanding of our place in the redemptive work of Christ who we are seated together with far above the reach of principalities (the first in commencement, first in order of wickedness) and powers (detailed in EpochWorld2021, ER 3, Part 1, Faith is the shield). "The earth is the LORD's...", everything God made is good, the world and all in it. Ecclesiastes 7:29, The Amplified Bible;  "Behold, this is the only[reason for it that ] I have found: God made man upright, but they [men and women] have sought out many devices [for evil]." All His creation is good and perfect.
In all this, "Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to see the sun." HalleluYah! It is light that puts us in our rightful place (authority), understanding light bring us to full measure of the blessings of Scripture in force, "... that the eyes of our understanding being enlightened (that is to be flooded with light).
In this course I pray that God give us understanding to the length, the breath and the depth of the mysteries of His Kingdom to unlock our prevailing life here and thereafter in Jesus' Name, Amen!
We grew up to know and believe that giving thanks is said and done at the end of  a thing, yes at this point it is expression of gratitude to the ONE who gave us what we asked for in prayers and we have the victory (It is as a result of this that out of the ten lepers, only one returned to thank the Lord). Have we also considered 'thanksgiving' before the battle even begins? This kind of thanksgiving is the prevailing faith. It is the faith in promises made, commands and orders given, the blessing and prophecies yet to be seen. This was the kind_ the spirit of faith our father Abraham lived here. This Abraham, without the revealing of the Christ (Word of God) may have doubted the promise even though God came to him. From his calling to when the promise was given to him and to when he defeated kings with the 318 men from his own household, only then did Melchizedek visited him. Who was this Melchizedek, a King and a Priest? Who some say , He was a type of Christ and also some Scholars believe that He must have been Shem, the son of Noah because he was alive in the days of Abraham (Ref: The Expositor's Study Bible, a free gift from Jimmy Swaggart Ministries). 
Who then is this man? I believe (my believe with scriptures to support it) that He was the Word of God turned flesh, first to expound the Gospel before hand to Abraham, and this Word of God after a long period in time came again in the flesh and was called Jesus of Nazareth who brought and expounded the Gospel and still does until now in the Holy Ghost.
"But there was Abraham before Jesus? Yes, Jesus whom Abraham saw and believed in and was reckoned to him as righteousness by his faith." From EpochWorld2023, ER 5, Part 2, the Dissection of faith. Hebrew 7:3, "without [record] of father or mother, or ancestral line, neither with beginning of days nor ending of life but resembling the Son of God, He continues to be a Priest without interruption and without successor." From this description, Melchizedek (He is King of Righteousness and also King of Peace) may not have been Shem, because Shem has a record of father, mother, ancestral line. Melchizedek is the Word of God who appeared from nowhere and went away after his meeting with Abram. Now, Jesus' High Priesthood is in the order of Melchizedek (Psalm110:4) because they both were God's Word became flesh. (John1:14). It is no coincidence for Abraham to pay his tithe after meeting Melchizedek.
Now, see this, Genesis 15:1 "after these things the Word of the Lord came to Abraham in a vision..." The Word spoke with him and he heard the Word and said to the Lord, who is the Word, what can You give me,..."
John in Revelation 19:12, saw Him, "His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns; and He had a name written, that no man knew, but He Himself. And He was clothe with a vesture dipped in blood and His name is called the Word of God." I believe the Word of God is the meaning of His proper name like YAHWEH is the proper name for 'I AM WHO I AM'.
Therefore being the Word of God, He can be what and who He wants to be at the time He wants it. Our FATHER's name is (I AM THAT I AM). So, the Word must have become Melchizedek and Jesus in the flesh to interact with man (this earth is man's place, any spirit that must interact with man must put on the form of a man). It was after Abraham saw the vision of the Word of the Lord that it was reckoned or counted to him as righteousness, he believed in the gospel because only those who accept the Gospel by faith can become the righteousness of God in Jesus.
See what Jesus says in John 8:56 and 58, "your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and was glad. Jesus went further, verily, verily I say unto you, before Abraham was, I AM." Praise ye the LORD!
Abraham thanking God who made him must have been by the many encounters he had with the Word. Because of the Word, he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith ( from the Hebrew, 'stability'), giving glory ( dignifying, thanksgiving) to God. He got to a point of no return, it is either God or God. HalleluYah!
He understood the mystery in thanking the Father before the reality. Thanksgiving sees the future and returns to praise the Lord for the processes. In the processes, thanksgiving which is a kind of faith brings God to the process. Thanksgiving is trust in the unseen. Thanksgiving brings victory before any battle commences. Thanksgiving is done before a battle and after the battle.
 The trumpet sounded for victory even before Jericho's wall fell. The sounding was for a shout of thanksgiving to Him who is able to bring obstacles and mountains low. The reason we have not come to a place with the Father to be in His first list (if there is anything of such) is because we have not thanked Him enough for the things we consider little but the reality of it is that they are in themselves miracles. I wrote many years ago, that thanksgiving is directly proportional to prosperity (receiving), meaning the more we thank God for just what is considered small, He is committed to multiply. Those who thank Him most are most prosperous.
Moses lifting up or stretching out his hand toward the sea was thanksgiving (todah). Thanksgiving does not see the sea in front but sees the pathway.  Thanksgiving walks one through the tunnel and sees the light at the end of the tunnel without considering it is dark now. This same Moses' hands were up when there was battle expressing thanks to the Lord. As long as the hands were stretched out and kept up, the Israelites prevailed over their enemies and when his hands lowers, they loose. Thanksgiving wins even before the battle is over. Praise the Lord!
A decree was made and Daniel was at the verge of loosing his life  to the lions, it was a fact that he shall be thrown in to the lions but until then, he went into his house and with his windows opened toward Jerusalem, got on his knees and gave thanks (praising God). What? Thanking God? Even when his fate was to die by the lions? This is the highest form of conviction that God will deliver him_ and God did.
A young boy's bread and fish became one of the greatest miracles of all time. Jesus took the bread and gave thanks, He did likewise to the fish and the supplies didn't go out, as they took to eat, so did the bread and fish multiplied, all by thanksgiving.Thanksgiving causes increases in our lives, spiritual increase, increase in sound health, increase in supplies, increase in all things we seek from the Lord. And again, " they took away the stone. And Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, Father, I thank You for You  have heard Me." What did God hear Jesus say? I thank You. After this He shouted with a loud voice, Lazarus, come out and he was raised to life and to live again.
Watch this, thanksgiving resurrects any dead thing to life. With thanksgiving nothing dies, they are ever living for our sakes because we have lifted up our voices in thanksgiving to our God. When we thank the LORD for what we see not, He is committed to perform, confirming His word in our lives.
Is there any challenge you are going through with your children and your family? Raise this day an altar of thanksgiving. Is a son or a daughter out of place going the way of the world? Are they involved in a habit not pleasing that you have talked and talked but no repentance from them? Is a situation long lingering in your life that seem not possible? Are you a Missionary in the field persecuted daily, put in prison, condemned? Just like Paul and Silas who raised an altar of praise in the prisons and were delivered by the Angel of Lord likewise with your hand extended to God, thank Him. See what Esther did when her country men (the Jews) were to go on extinction in the other land, she thank the Lord in fasting so she could appear before the king knowing the penalty to go to the king without a summon is equal to death. And she says I will arise and go to the king, if I die, I die. Thanksgiving went before the Lord as she raised her voice to Him who is most abled and she found favour and the Jews were delivered.
What is that case that seem too difficult that you have done all you could do humanly speaking and nothing to show for it? Please raise your voice in thanks to the Lord. Thanksgiving is the Will of the Father concerning us in Jesus. I chant thanksgiving always in my life since the Holy Spirit brought this light.
Someone will say, how do I give thanks for what I have not seen? You have not giving God thanks enough that is why you have not seen it. It is this end time faith for surplus living. Thanksgiving multiplies and glorifies a man or woman who does it.
Take this with you always. Jeremiah 30:19 KJV, "And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small."
It can only take a right heart with the Lord for one to stretch out his or her hand towards Heaven in thanksgiving and with a loud voice to partake of this mystery the Lord unveiled to us simply. Therefore, if you are not Born of the Holy Spirit, this will not be a reality, I urge you by the mercies of God to come to Him who will take away your burdens today. Say the prayer below and believe and be saved. Amen!

                           PRAYER OF SALVATION
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I know I am a sinner, I identify my weaknesses and sins today, I cannot of my own be saved, I need You to save me. I confess this day Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, by your grace I am saved today. Now, Lord, give me the grace to remain faithful to this cause I have chosen today in Jesus mighty name I ask and believe, Amen.
Congratulations, welcome to the family of God.. Jesus loves you. Please, in case you have not, I urge you by the mercy of God to find a Bible believing assembly and join them. Study God's Word and pray always.
God bless you richly!
Anticipate part four of this course!

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